Riggi Media International
48 Hour Film Challange
Brand new for 2024, CKIFF will be hosting the Riggi Media International 48 Hour film Challenge. Teams from around the world can compete in this nerve wracking, time sensitive, chaotic weekend event. On Friday, October 18th at 6:00 pm EST we will have a streamed event where we will provide 3 items; an area, a prop and a phrase. You will then have 48 hours to write, shoot and do your post production and upload the video. The maximum running time for the film allowed is 7 minutes. A lot of amazing pieces were created this way.
The awards we will look at presenting:
* Best Story *Best Cinematography
* Best Director * Best Sound Design
* Best Actor * Best Colouring
* Best Actress * Best Editing
* People Choice Award
Click HERE to watch an introductory video